quinta-feira, 23 de janeiro de 2014

Essas enguias chamadas Yeshua e Erasmo de Roterdão

Desidério Erasmo, mais conhecido por Erasmo de Roterdão, é uma figura verdadeiramente admirável.

Diz-se que "Lutero chocou o ovo que Erasmo pôs", mas entre os dois houve muita diferença. Erasmo era um otimista e acreditava na liberdade humana. Lutero achava-a fatalmente corrompida. Mas no debate sobre o livre/servo arbítrio disse de Erasmo: "Gabo-te e louvo-te por teres sido, de todos os meus adversários, o único que apanhou o ponto certo do debate". Claro que Lutero queria ter Erasmo e o seu prestígio do seu lado. Dizia-se naquele tempo: "Olha, aquele é o tal que recebeu uma carta de Erasmo". O humanista nunca se comprometeu com a Reforma, embora considerasse que Lutero tinha razão em algumas das suas convicções. Mas Roma é sempre Roma.

Lutero chamava a Erasmo "enguia". Escapava sempre. Com escapou de Basileia logo que a cidade suíça aderiu à reforma. O Papa Paulo III quis fazê-lo cardeal. Erasmo desculpou-se que era muito velho. Mas um escape. Morreu a seguir. O grande escape.

E foi uma pena a Igreja ter posto as obras (não só "Elogio da Loucura", mas a versão grega do Novo Testamento e os comentários a quase todos os Padres da Igreja) deste ex-monge, amigo de Tomás Moro, no Index.

(Isto não vem a propósito de nada. Li hoje que Lutero lhe chamava "enguia" a Erasmo e que Paulo III tencionava nomeá-lo cardeal e quis partilhar isto.)

Top Questions For You This Week

eBible Special Feature

Magalhães Luís
D'us age de forma directa para travar a mescla dos Nephilins com o objectivo de conspurcar a genealogia do Massiach: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DEyD09XDFJs&feature=youtube_gdata_player

Magalhães Luís
Secular german jews killed in the Shoah out of compassion of G'd because of bad guilgul neshamot says Rabbis Manis Friedman & Rabbi Amnom Yitzhak »» http://cavbyxx.blogspot.pt/2013/11/florescimento-do-deserto-sinal-do-fim.html | http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cZhMLLC9iNk | http://azvsas.blogspot.pt/2013/03/lubavitch-rabbi-jewish-children-in.html | http://www.google.pt/search?q=secular+german+jews+killed+in+the+shoah+because+of+guilgul+neshamot+says+yemenite+rabbi&oq=secular+german+jews+killed+in+the+shoah+because+of+guilgul+neshamot+says+yemenite+rabbi&client=tablet-unknown&sourceid=chrome-mobile&espv=1&ie=UTF-8 [Most Orthodox Zionist sects and Lubavitch is the most Zionist of all, support that it was the sins of the Jews themselves that was responsible for the Shoah (Holocaust)] | http://pastoralreformadadadiversidade.blogspot.pt/2013/04/comer-os-animais-que-d-us-nos-deu-e-uma.html | Yemenite Orthodox הרב אמנון יצחק Rabbi Amnon Yitzhak adepto da acção misericordiosa do HaShem na Shoah-Holocausto [http://www.tumblr.com/search/shoah], isentando em muito a acção de Adolf Hitler, porque como afirma que os judeus mortos na Shoah era maus, laicos, seculares, o que “exigia” uma reencarnação limitada por acção hegeliana do Eterno, em razão da Sua misericórdia e da denominada “astúcia do Logos” hegeliana »» | »» “A história é a autobiografia de Deus” | Hegel introduz o conceito de “astúcia da razão” que utiliza as paixões dos intérpretes-heróis-vilões da História…
Leia mais: http://historiavestibulando.webnode.com.br/pensadores/hegel/um-texto-mais-aprofundado/
»» (https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q&esrc=s&source=web&cd=2&cad=rja&ved=0CDQQFjAB&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.educacaoefilosofia.uema.br%2Fv1%2F9.doc&ei=ndiOUsmQJoSjhgeX7IHoBg&usg=AFQjCNF7F6vGXyR_uJCAag1C-OiJ-ocHkA&sig2=XvzhbHhRJi_wwgmHANeUmg&bvm=bv.56988011%2Cd.ZG4), evitando que a sua impiedade, o seu laxismo, o seu secularismo gritante se agudizasse. » Hitler é usado (“vaso de desonra” termo da Carta de São Paulo aos Romanos 9, na linha da predestinação, http://www.baptistlink.com/creationists/eleicaopresb.pdf)» http://m.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Ffailedmessiah.typepad.com%2Ffailed_messiahcom%2F2013%2F02%2Fsurvivors-outraged-over-holocaust-remarks-made-by-chabads-rabbi-manis-friedman-123.html&h=vAQFlrSqE&s=1 | http://mizraimdoubledistressthings.tumblr.com/image/65481860514 | http://holocausthagaddah.blogspot.pt/

Magalhães Luís

“Rabbi Yitzhak said: The year that moshiach will be revealed, all the kings of the nations of the world will provoke each other. The king of Persia [ today called “Iran” ] will threaten the king of Arabia [ today called “Saudi Arabia" ] and because of this, the king of Arabia will go to the king of Edom [ USA ] for advice.

Afterwards the king of Persia will destroy [ most of ] the world. The remaining nations will be hysterical and frantic and fall on their faces and will be seized as if by “birth pains”.

And the people of Israel will be frantic and hysterical and they will say, where will we come and go? Where will be come and go?

And Hashem will say to them: Do not fear My children, do not fear. All that I have done, I did only for you. Why are you afraid? The time for your Redemption has come!


Rabbi Yitzhak said [ about 2000 years ago ]:

The year that moshiach will be revealed [ what is expected to happen in the world at the time when moshiach will be revealed ], all the kings of the nations of the world will provoke each other [ the threats of war among the nations will be heard in every corner of the world throughout the countries and between one another ].


[ The numbers in parenthesis refer to further explanations found in the Hebrew ]

PHASE 1 (2) King of Persia [ Leader of Iran ] (4) will threaten (3) the King of Arabia [ threats of war against the king of Saudi Arabia ( which is the only Arab country which still has the name “Arabia” ).

PHASE 2 (5) The king of Arabia goes to Edom to get advice from them [ The king of Saudi Arabia goes to the Western countries, which are led by America, to consult about how to act against the threat of war from Iran ].

PHASE 3 “And King of Persia goes back (6) and destroys the whole world [ it is clear that you cannot destroy the whole world with conventional weapons. It means to annihilate much of the world with nuclear weapons ]. [ "and destroys the whole world"– the meaning isn’t actually the whole world, the meaning is "most of it, is as all of it", meaning to destroy most of the countries of the world ”.

“And all the nations of the world will be frantic and hysterical and “falling on their faces” and will be as if seized by (7) something like birth pains [ a terrible and horrified fear that was unknown until now will grasp all the remaining nations - lest they too will die in a nuclear war ( because they will be unable to protect themselves from the nuclear explosion and the radioactivity that will result ) ].

And the people of Israel will be frantic and hysterical [ because of the terrible fear that will be in the world that Iran (Persia) will also attack Israel ]. And they will say, where will we come and go [ since there will be no possibility to find help or support and there will be no natural way to be saved - and about this situation it is said "we have no one to rely on except our Father in Heaven" ] and they will say: “Where will be come and go?” [ The Midrash repeats this twice to emphasize the helplessness and fear that will be then ].

And GOD will say to the people of Israel: do not fear my children [ you have nothing to fear , all that I have done, I did only for you GOD calms Israel, that all the destruction of war was only for your good - to destroy the wicked Kingdom of Edom and to remove evil from the world and make it possible for the moshiach (Messiah) to be revealed and begin his work ]. Why are you afraid? “The time for your Redemption has come!”


In order that one should not think these words of the Midrash are incompatible with the reality of our days, it is important to clarify what often appears in the media regarding the “King of Persia” ( President of Iran ) and about their “mahdi”, their messiah. To them, their mahdi can only begin his work of world domination for Islam when the muslims set the world on fire via war.

Magalhães Luís
The current president of Iran since his election has declared several times in public, that the main purpose of his government is to promote the arrival of the “mahdi”, and for this purpose all military and economical resources will be given. He also said in the UN General Assembly (September 25, 2007) that very soon the powerful Western countries will fall and be destroyed. Daily he goes to the well where their mahdi is supposed to emerge from, to conquer the world. There is drops in the minutes of his days activities for their mahdi to read.

According to his belief and the belief of the radical cult that he is part of, the way to bring “the mahdi” ( the shiite “messiah” who is supposedly, according to their distorted beliefs, going to impose the region of Islam on the whole world ) is by creating a situation of chaos with local and international destruction. That is why the President of Iran says they must ignite a local war and then destroy the Western world ( which in his opinion is the root of all evil, thus they call the USA their “great satan”, and Israel is to them only their “little satan” ) using nuclear bombs.

This threat isn’t just an ideology or idle talk. Iran has nuclear weapons programs, and long range missile programs for delivery of same, including a newly discovered site which crosses all red lines, see http://www.wnd.com/2013/03/iran-confirms-secret-nuclear-quds-site/ and even members of the US congress are now concerned, see http://www.israpundit.com/archives/53731

As it is known today, the government of Iran is made up only of people of this cult who believe in their “mahdi” ideology. Whoever doubts this is dismissed from the government ( as was the commander of the Iranian revolutionary guards; he was removed from his position and replaced by someone supposedly loyal to the President of Iran’s mahdi / world war plans. ). And let us not forget that for true muslims to lie to their infidels = everyone else / everyone not muslim, its a permitted thing, to them = the ends justifies the means = wild ass of a man.

An interesting item that appears in the media: astrologist’s see something amazing: very soon the Western world will be destroyed by Iran by nuclear weapons ( this corresponds to the words of the Midrash above ). To differentiate, lately there have been a few tzadikim in our generation who also say that soon there will be a nuclear war outside of Israel, and in Eretz Israel will be the “selection” that was foretold in the prophesy of Zecharia (13:8) and Isaiah 6 ( “v’od ba assirya etc” – see gamara ketubot 112b ) by an earthquake, terrifying in its power, unlike anything known in the past.

In view of all this, it is clear that the words of this Midrash: “and the King of Persia returns and destroys the whole world” should be taken seriously and in light of ongoing world events, it is possible that this will actually happen in the time ahead.

There is also another striking event related to this in the words of our Torah Sages of 2000 years ago ( in Yalkut Shimoni ) “Rabbi Barchiya said: in three hours in the future HaKadosh Baruch Hu will punish Esav and his men.” Thus our Torah Scholars tell us here that the destruction of the evil Kingdom of Edom will be accomplished “in three hours”.

It is very possible that a nuclear war, as mentioned above, could last only 3 hours and in that time, the evil Kingdom of Edom could be destroyed. It is known from our sages [ Malbim, Abarbanel etc. ] that today Esav is America, the countries of Europe and the West.

NOTE: When the Midrash says “and destroys the world”, it doesn’t mean “the whole world, literally”; it means according to the Talmudic axiom “most of it is considered as all of it”. One can understand the words of the Midrash from the prophesy of Zecharia (13:8) “and there was throughout Land the words of Hashem”, “two parts [ of the world ] will be cut off and destroyed and a third of it will remain”, which means two thirds of the population of the world will die. Only a third will be left.

All this is regarding the nations of the world as it says in the commentaries there. However, concerning Am Israel, G-d forbid, the situation could be even worse if we don’t do tshuva, as it is written in the gemara ( ketubot 112b ). Rashi explains there “when nine parts ( of Am Israel ) will be lost and nothing will be left but a tenth”. Meaning that in the selection process that will take place before the arrival of the moshiach, 90 % of Am Israel will die , G-d forbid , if they don’t do real repentance and only a tenth will survive. http://www.israelnationalnews.com/blogs/message.aspx/3682#.UVfrHjeoBgh

Magalhães Luís
http://www.rtp.pt/play/p50/e141863/a-fe-dos-homens »» CATEQUESE BÍBLICA POR MEIO DE BIBLISTAS E TEÓLOGOS DA UNIVERSIDADE CATÓLICA DE PORTUGAL - DO DIA 24/01/14 AD [ECUMENISMO DE ORQUESTRA - http://www.agencia.ecclesia.pt/
Ecumenismo/Portugal: Reconhecimento mútuo do Batismo é «pequeno» sinal que pede novos gestos - http://www.agencia.ecclesia.pt/cgi-bin/noticia.pl?tpl&id=98684
José Eduardo Borges de Pinho diz que faltam decisões como integração da Igreja Católica no Conselho Ecuménico das Igrejas
Ecumenismo: Visita do Papa à Terra Santa é mais um estímulo para a unidade das Igrejas cristãs »» http://www.agencia.ecclesia.pt/cgi-bin/noticia.pl?tpl&id=98662
O capelão da Universidade Católica Portuguesa perspetiva encontro de Francisco com o Patriarca Bartolomeu de Constantinopla
Ecumenismo: Reconhecimento mútuo do batismo é um «gesto contracorrente» - http://www.agencia.ecclesia.pt/cgi-bin/noticia.pl?tpl&id=98649
Padre Alexandre Palma considera assinatura da declaração conjunto a afirmação de que fraternidade «é possível»]




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